Friday, April 23, 2010


Reunion reservation deadline is May 1! We need to confirm meal count numbers with the Friday (June 4th) caterer (Carrabba's) and Saturday (June 5th) Chattanooga Golf & Country Club.

Also, we need to release rooms at the DoubleTree Hotel that are being held at the special rate of $129.00/night +tax; please make room reservations as soon as possible but no later than May 1st.!!! TIME IS DRAWING NEAR!!!

Thanks to Bob Carrier, Sherry Hobbs Dahrling and Joyce Williams Brown for generous door prize donations...we could use MORE!! We need sponsorships for the dinners of faculty attending Saturday night at $50 per person (8 people), and a few more extras that the Committee is working hard to provide and make this a fun event!! We need your support! Your generous donations/sponsorships are greatly appreciated, and your name will be in the Program acknowledging the contribution (without the amount). We are adding a 2 PM Friday school tour to accommodate out-of-town classmates arriving that day.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And the days dwindle down......

Yes, it’s getting closer and closer. The big 50th is less than two months away.

Have you sent your check in?

How about a bio? You can send us your bio even if your too poor, too cheap, not interested or have a scheduling conflict. We plan to give a CD to the class of the bios.

Your bio doesn’t have to be a ”bragging” bio. Mine sure won’t be. Although I have had some successes, I’m sure I’m like most of you, ordinary, just like I was in school.

I think the greatest success is to have made it this far….and be able to attend to 50th reunion.

Keep those cards and letters coming…. Checks too!